Green list country - France Moves US & Several Other Third Countries to Green List

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Which countries are on the UK green list for travel?

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Green, Amber Travel Lists: What are the current rules?

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IATF to revise list of 'green' countries; here's why

Those who go against that guidance must take two post-arrival tests from private companies on day two and day eight after arriving.

  • Will vaccination expiry date rules affect my trip? Also on the go list are Bermuda, British Antarctic Territory, British Indian Ocean Territory, and the Pitcairn Islands.

  • Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vietnam Wallis and Futuna Western Sahara Yemen Source: gov.

Traffic light travel update: Which countries are on the green, amber and red lists?

However, it's not all sunshine and - not only has the news been considered controversial by some in the travel industry, but many of the countries on the list aren't actually accepting tourists at the moment, although some are aiming to change that later this month.

  • If you arrive in England before then you need to follow the.

  • The assessment will also take into account reports of coronavirus variants which are particularly concerning.