هنا عدن - قارئ الأيام الأخباري + هنا عدن

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اذاعة #هنا_عدن تحتفي بمليونية المهرة بتغطية برامجيه خاصة

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عدن هنا اذاعة #هنا_عدن

اليافعي يتسلم رسميا ادارة اذاعة هنا عدن

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عدن هنا اذاعة #هنا_عدن

عدن هنا اذاعة #هنا_عدن

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هنا عدن

In fact the private was only in a blue uniform six months, getting his appendage shot off during the first day of his first battle.

  • It was my first Steinbeck, and it made me fall in love with his writing, his ideas, his cry for individual freedom and social justice.

  • We cannot choose to be made part of this world, of this bewildering place we seldom understand, but we can exert our goodwill and trust that others will do the same.

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