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پخش زنده شبکه سه سیما

نادي برسبوليس

The name of Xerxes I was written in three languages and carved on the entrances, informing everyone that he ordered it to be built.

  • Indeed, in his Chronology of the Ancient Nations, the native Iranian writer indicates unavailability of certain native Iranian historiographical sources in the post-Achaemenid era, especially during the.

  • An inscription on one of the tombs declares it to be that of , concerning whom relates that his grave was in the face of a rock, and could only be reached by the use of ropes.

نادي برسبوليس

در دقایق پایانی و در حالی که استقلال با یک نفر بیشتر بازی می کرد، جنجال های اصلی آغاز شد.

  • تصویر جامی که از دو طرف با دو سر اسب هخامنشی تلاقی دارد.

  • Despite 10 years of planning, Iran's was not aware of the broad areas of flooding during much of this time, and there is growing concern about the effects the dam will have on the surrounding areas of Persepolis.

2022 deregimezmoi.fr