E-services moh gov sa corona vaccine registration - How to upload vaccine certificate to MOH website

Moh gov vaccine corona registration sa e-services MoH opens

Moh gov vaccine corona registration sa e-services Iqama holders

Moh gov vaccine corona registration sa e-services MoH opens

Moh gov vaccine corona registration sa e-services Travelling to

Moh gov vaccine corona registration sa e-services Travelling to

MoH opens online registration for Covid

Moh gov vaccine corona registration sa e-services How to

Moh gov vaccine corona registration sa e-services MoH opens

Moh gov vaccine corona registration sa e-services MoH opens

How to upload vaccine certificate to MOH website

Moh gov vaccine corona registration sa e-services MoH opens

MoH opens online registration for Covid

Moh gov vaccine corona registration sa e-services Travelling to

Iqama holders who Vaccinated outside Saudi Arabia, can register with MOH for update in Tawakkalna

This process would facilitate and accelerate the entry procedures for the arrivals and reduce the waiting period at entry points.

  • .

  • The online registration is not required for travellers under the age of 18.

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