Uzumaki - Naruto: The 10 Known Members Of The Uzumaki Clan

Uzumaki Uzumaki

Uzumaki Uzumaki (TV

Uzumaki Uzumaki Manga

Uzumaki (Uzumaki: Spiral into Horror)

Uzumaki Uzumaki Clan

Uzumaki Naruto: Every

Uzumaki Uzumaki (anime)

Uzumaki Uzumaki (TV

Uzumaki Uzumaki Anime

Uzumaki Uzumaki Manga

Uzumaki Uzumaki

Naruto: Every Member Of The Uzumaki Clan, Ranked By Strength

Their unique traits were the reason that a member of the clan was always chosen to be the jinchuriki for Konoha.

  • And it goes way too far.

  • The conclusion to the story feels like a cop-out too.

Uzumaki (film)

Through a series of experiences, including spiral obsessions that turn people into spirals themselves, people turning into snails with spiral shells on their backs, violent hurricanes that want only Kirie, and pregnant mosquito ladies who need blood for their unborn children, Kirie begins to realize that Kurôzu-cho is a cursed town.

  • Random whirlwinds appear from time to time, destroying houses and sucking people up to never be seen again.

  • Well, this will be a short review.

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