Zerg rush - StarCraft Easter Egg: How To Zerg Rush Google Search Results

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Rush zerg Zerg rush

Rush zerg Google’s ‘Zerg

Rush zerg Zerg Rush/Video

'Zerg rush' chews up Google search results

Rush zerg Zerg rush

Rush zerg Zerg Rush

Rush zerg What does

Rush zerg Google’s ‘Zerg

Google’s ‘Zerg Rush’ Easter Egg Celebrates Starcraft Game

Rush zerg Google’s ‘Zerg

What is Zerg Rush?

Machine mode takes this to its logical conclusion, often sending a dozen or more of the same class at you all at once and, in true Zerg fashion, it's usually Scouts.

  • Unlike most ants which only function as individual colonies or clusters of colonies, all of them are one huge colony.

  • A massive forced of troops and armored vehicles rushing into an opening in the enemy defenses, hoping to close the gap before reinforcements arrive.

Zerg Rush’s Zonny Mondo talks Devo, fruit and city’s underground punk scene

Some players, however, build a barracks instead and used whatever gold left to make basic fighting units and go attack the enemy, who would be lucky to even have a barracks started, much less have any units to defend with.

  • Traditional means of warfare weren't entirely obsolete, though.

  • If anyone were to survive it'd be them.

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