Taif rose festival - Rose Festival opens in Taif

Rose festival taif The Rose

Rose festival taif Taif rose

Rose festival taif Taif Rose

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Taif ‘City of Roses’ launches annual flower

Rose festival taif Saudi Rose

Taif’s Iconic Rose Festival Kicks Off

Rose festival taif Saudi Rose

Rose festival taif Field Trip:

Field Trip: Taif Rose Festival in Saudi Arabia

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Rose festival taif Saudi Arabia

Rose festival taif Taif ‘City

10 Tourist Places To Visit In Taif, The City Of Roses In Saudi Arabia


Also, you can buy strawberry products like ice creams, jam, cake, etc.

  • What I love most about Taif is the amount of diversity we have in one city — diversity in agriculture, folkloric dances, dress, and even accents! This is the best tourist spot in Taif if you are planning a trip to Taif.

  • This is incorporated into the perfumes of local and international high-end brands such as Jimmy Choo and Givenchy.

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